Friday, February 22, 2008

Headed to Seattle

I can't wait! I will be visiting my brother Andy, and my incredible mother will be meeting us there. This visit is long overdue... it has been 1 1/2 years since I have seen either of them. It won't be the entire family getting together, but I am in need of whatever I can get.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ready for the Cold

People always bring to my attention the fact that I was raised in Alaska and should be used to sub zero temps. This is a misconception... I am not made for cold weather. I grew up in a rain forest and can deal with rain day after day even without an umbrella.

This picture was taken of me and my sister a few years ago in Dublin, Ireland. At the time we thought it was extremely cold, hence the winter parkas. You will notice the few people in the picture are not dressed with quite as many layers. That is because it really wasn't that cold.
I could use those layers now... Wisconsin winters last forever!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Expo Time

A few of the FABULOUS women I work with!
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Night on the Town

Not really on the town, we walked to Walgreens to get food.
There was so much snow we couldn't get the car out of the garage.
Yes, Rex is wearing my scarf as a hat...somehow it works.
Before the surprise snow fight...
Rex shows no mercy!
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My Very First Blog

I have to admit I am slightly intimidated with the whole blog phenomena. I have put this off for a while...I just couldn't convince myself that I would be able to maintain entry after entry. Then I remembered why I decided to do this...I want to creatively express the feelings and thoughts that I am committed to getting out there. And in preparation for a family of my own I want to stay in touch with all the people I love who are spread around the world.

Still a few questions come to mind...

1) Will I write something too personal and regret it later?

2) Does anyone care that much about my life to take the time to read what I write?

3) Do I really want to spend time blogging?

Great questions I know..
These questions make me think of my dear friend Mojan who I have felt extremely inspired by. She started a blog about 5 years ago...I know 5 years of consistent posts!!! I look forward to her posts and pictures and although she lives in Haifa, Israel and I live in Milwaukee, WI I don't feel like she is very far away at all.

(By the way Moj, congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!)