Tuesday, December 30, 2008


On our way home from India we had an 8 hour lay over in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. We completely forgot about this part of our trip and were ill prepared for the change in temperature. We got off the plane in flip flops and short sleeve shirts and attempted to walk through the streets in 32 degrees fahrenheit. It was chilly, but we stopped at our fav store (H&M) to pick up some much needed winter jackets! We also took most of the day to drive around the lovely countryside.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Baby Goats

I spoke to my step-dad after returning from India. Since he is all to familiar with my dislike for animals he cleverly asked why I didn't post any pictures with me holding the baby goat when everyone was posing with it. In fact the children did do a quick exchange, they plopped one of the baby goats in my hands and took the camera. I don't dislike animals in general, I usually just prefer them from a distance.

This picture is dedicated to you John. ;)
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Alteration of the Soul

It's true, my Life has not been the same since returning. I have always been a weepy person. I don't want to say emotional, because I wouldn't call myself moody, but let's just say I am sensitive. There was so much that occurred in such a short time and my heart felt so expanded during this trip, letting everything in. I expereinced being so deeply touched everyday and that sense of being "moved" has stayed with me in a new way.

Rex and I are reflecting daily on our purpose in life. We always thought we would end up in the developing world and here we are 30 years old without any real plans to create a life somewhere else. So what's stopping us? We know things will be clear when it's right, but for the time being I am sharing in a new excited way, dreams of where we will go and what we will be doing.

Final Stop

The Baha'i House of Worship,where we began our incredible journey. On our final day in India we returned to The Lotus Temple for prayers. The sweet sacred space was aglow at nightfall and there was no doubt that we would both be content living here in India. It captured our hearts in a deep throbbing way just as Africa did 10 years ago. We walked the path slowly, savoring each step and I could not picture my life before India... I did not want to leave. Just 3 weeks and my life is forever changed. It was so easy to be there, so natural. It reminded us of the expansive world we live in. Where the reality experienced in the West can be so detached from the life the majority of the world experience.

We have been back at our home for 10 days and my heart still aches for India! Here we have all the comforts one could ask for, all the comforts we certainly did not have while traveling... and somehow I would be happy to give them all away... maybe I will.

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Vimal probably spends her entire day from 6am-10pm preparing, cooking, and cleaning for others. She is an extraordinary woman and her heart is so full of love. While staying at the ashram we ate 3 meals a day (we had to or she would come find us)... she also reminded us to come get chai during tea time. She welcomed us with the biggest smile, checked to make sure we were eating enough, and she even helped fix my sari. It turns out she doesn't actually live in Shodagram, (the ashram), which means she must be away from her home an awful lot. She comes there to cook for everyone and the food she makes is amazing! She made separate non-spicy curry for us the first day, until Rex convinced her we really do enjoy spicy indian food.

We miss you Vimal, so so much!

At Shodagram... so happy.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Monkey Butts

On our balcony... cute from the other side of the glass but up close they have super sharp teeth. I kept opening the door to take pictures and then quickly shutting it to make sure they didn't jump on me.

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There are many types of learners and most of us probably learn best using several learning styles combined. I am clear I am a visual learner... I LOVE pictures & colors! When I look at anything the first thing I do is look for pictures. Rex teases me about this often, but I tell him that's just how I process things. Who wants to read when you can look at pictures? I'm like a 4 year old when you are trying to read a story and they just want to flip the page to see the next picture. I realized that's why my blog is primarily pictures.

I hope to travel the world with my camera... this is why!

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We visited this new mother and her 13 day old baby. The check up of the mother and the baby is done in the home.

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Health Workers

This woman does pre and post natal visits to the homes of women in the village. She performs basic routines to support their health... she takes blood pressure, weighs the mother and the baby, has basic medicine if needed and can give injections.

A Warm Welcom: Designs drawn to welcome us into the home!

Rex meeting with a Traditional Birth Attendant...
understanding the procedures used in check ups for mothers and the newborn.

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Rural Health

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We met with this lovely woman who is a Traditional Birth Attendant while we were in Udaipur. She travels to the homes of women within her village during labor and delivers the babies. She loves her work and because there are no doctors near the village she is a very necessary resource. When we asked what her biggest concern during labor was she said, "complications." If there is a complication the family has to find a way to get the mother to a hospital... besides being unaffordable for many people it is often a long trip, many times making it impossible to save the life of the mother.

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Egg Curry

One of the women who works for an incredible organization supporting health care in rural India befriended us. A one point during a day of rural visits she asked what my favorite Indian dish was. I told her I have always loved egg curry (it is delicious). Later she invited us over and so generously cooked us egg curry. Here we are with her and her wonderful family.

Prayer Pose

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Can you get any cuter? Impossible!

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There were times when taking pictures did not seem appropriate. I wanted the photos to be fun for people... I did not want them to separate us and I certainly never wanted people to feel I was making a spectacle of them. Because of this I did not take pictures of the harshest poverty most of India remains in. In the mountains of Udaipur I took a couple of the people referred to as gypsies. We were told they are nomadic, moving to locations where they can find work.

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I never thought I lived extravegantly, but it's all relative. Many people I saw made their home on a side walk or road side, with a blanket if they could afford one... Others used a tarp or metal scraps... some were fortunate to have an actual structure to call home.

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