Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet Faces of Jodhpur

As we walked through the streets, with camera in hand (my hand that is, Rex does not enjoy taking photos) children asked to have their picture taken. Then I would kneel down and show them the picture in the view finder. It was a nice way to connect since we can't really communicate and they loved it... so did I.

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Loretta said...

You & Rex are amazing....

This feeling of Warmth, Joy, & Awe whooshed thru me & I could feel the tears forming in my eyes while I was scrolling thru your blog. Then it dawned on me, it wasn't only because you both have this pure, wholesome spirit that has somehow has always had that effect on me, but the pictures remind me of the world travels of my Aunt & Uncle. The pictures my Uncle took, like yours, were of remote areas of the world that were off the beaten track like alleys, homes that looked liked sheds, & the faces of children & grandmothers as they lived their daily lives that tugged at the heartstrings.

You are both so fortunate to be able to have these experiences. Thank you so much for inviting me in.

Be careful & embrace every moment.

Love to both of you.


boyan said...

the faces of these kids are so beautiful it's like an instant connection to the heart. the photos are awesome, Chelsea!