Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Vimal probably spends her entire day from 6am-10pm preparing, cooking, and cleaning for others. She is an extraordinary woman and her heart is so full of love. While staying at the ashram we ate 3 meals a day (we had to or she would come find us)... she also reminded us to come get chai during tea time. She welcomed us with the biggest smile, checked to make sure we were eating enough, and she even helped fix my sari. It turns out she doesn't actually live in Shodagram, (the ashram), which means she must be away from her home an awful lot. She comes there to cook for everyone and the food she makes is amazing! She made separate non-spicy curry for us the first day, until Rex convinced her we really do enjoy spicy indian food.

We miss you Vimal, so so much!

At Shodagram... so happy.

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